the bad smell is a warning, but it's still the least of the problems

If your septic tank is stinking, potentially deadly bacteria could already be spreading through your yard!!

We are biologically prepared to distinguish something harmful from something beneficial to our body and our health through smell. We instinctively have the power to know whether the smell is of something that can do us good or harm. So not ignoring bad smells and the causes of their origin is a natural and healthy attitude for anyone who is conscious and concerned about the health of themselves, their family and their pets.

When your septic tank smells bad, it’s probably because the waste has accumulated and is full of bacteria that are potentially harmful to our health, such as e coli and salmonella. It is precisely the way in which these bacteria feed and proliferate, by breaking down proteins, that releases the foul-smelling molecules that enter our nostrils. From this point on, total caution, do not let your septic tank overflow under any circumstances!

There are a few ways to solve this problem, but few as simple as the one shown in this video.


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